Update a task

PUT /accounts/{account_id}/alerts/{alert_id}/mentions/{mention_id}/tasks/{task_id}

Updates a specific task, for instance if the task is done, if the nature of the task changed, or if the task's creator wants to add a comment.


  • account_id (string) - Id of the account
  • alert_id (number) - Id of the alert
  • mention_id (number) - Id of the mention
  • task_id (number) - Id of the task

Minimal curl example

curl -ig 'https://api.mention.net/api/accounts/{account_id}/alerts/{alert_id}/mentions/{mention_id}/tasks/{task_id}' \
    -X PUT \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept-Version: 1.19' \
    -d '{"done":true}'

As you see in the curl example, there is no minimal requirement in the PUT request in terms of attributes sent. Therefore, you can modify only a single parameter if you wish to.

Available properties

Modifiable attributes are a subset of the POST attributes; they are those marked as "updatable".

Properties _ Definition Example Updatable
assigned_to_account_id required Account id of your team mate being assigned with this task "12346_oiazuer..." NO
type optional Type of assignment. "reply" yes
comment optional Comment of the creator of the task "check this! deserves a reply this week." yes
done optional Boolean indicating whether task was completed or not false yes

Assigned to account id


This indicates to whom you wish to assign the task. This is the user ID of that person.



For a list of task types, you can fetch the app/data



This is a plaintext comment of the task.



Boolean value indicating if the task was completed or not.

Request example

  • Headers
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
Accept-Version: 1.19
  • Body
    "type": "reply",
    "comment": "changed it to a reply. done [11/01/2016]",
    "done": true

Response example

If the request was successful, the response will return the full task data, just as if you did a GET request on that Task.

  • Body
      "task": {...task...}
        "id": "140676",
        "assigned_to_account": {
            "id": "YOUR_TEAMMATE_ACCOUNT_ID",
            "name": "R\u00e9mi",
            "email": "remi@nasa.com",
            "language_code": "en",
            "registration_country": "FR",
            "inviter_id": "438404_163cnxte",
            "created_at": "2015-08-05T14:50:38.0+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2016-01-20T15:27:27.0+00:00",
            "features": ["mention_feed_filter_unread", "twitter_dashboard", "listening_dashboard", "competitive_dashboard"],
            "timezone": "Europe\/Berlin",
            "hide_mark_all_read_mentions": false,
            "redirector_enabled": false,
            "grouped_email_notification": false,
            "default_email_notification_frequency": "never",
            "default_desktop_notification_frequency": "never",
            "default_push_notification_frequency": "hourly",
            "bucket": 0
        "assigned_by_account": {
            "id": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID",
            "name": "John Doe",
            "email": "j.doe@nasa.com",
            "language_code": "en",
            "inviter_id": "326521_3cgnk1be",
            "created_at": "2014-09-30T10:03:54.0+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2016-01-21T13:26:27.0+00:00",
            "avatar_url": "https:\/\/d3gic6glhdnxm.cloudfront.net\/f6415b89f03f697eca5d0c7d464f1b82-089f3f993170d541.jpg",
            "features": ["mention_geo_filtering", "stats_email", "alert_wizard_3", "email_grouping", "mention_feed_filter_unread", "twitter_dashboard", "listening_dashboard", "competitive_dashboard"],
            "timezone": "Europe\/Berlin",
            "hide_mark_all_read_mentions": false,
            "redirector_enabled": false,
            "grouped_email_notification": true,
            "default_email_notification_frequency": "daily",
            "default_desktop_notification_frequency": "hourly",
            "default_push_notification_frequency": "hourly",
            "bucket": 82,
            "tester": true
        "type": "read",
        "done": false,
        "permissions": {
            "mark_done": true,
            "delete": true
        "created_at": "2016-01-21T13:26:27.0+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2016-01-21T13:26:27.0+00:00"

Assigned to account


Information about the account to which the task was assigned.

Assigned by account


Information about the account from which the task was assigned.