Fetch alert preferences

GET /accounts/{account_id}/alerts/{alert_id}/preferences

Retrieves preferences details for the given alert.


  • account_id (string) - Id of the account
  • alert_id (number) - Id of the alert

Page content

Minimal curl example

curl -ig 'https://api.mention.net/api/accounts/{account_id}/alerts/{alert_id}/preferences' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
    -H 'Accept-Version: 1.19'

Request Example

  • Headers
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
Accept-Version: 1.19
  • Body


Response example

  • Body
    "preferences": {
        "email_notification_frequency": "default",
        "push_notification_frequency": "default",
        "desktop_notification_frequency": "default",
        "trending_email_notification_frequency": "default",
        "trending_sms_notification_frequency": "default",
        "weight": 10000

All frequency attributes, that is email_notification_frequency, email_notification_frequency, etc... May vary in the future without special notice.

Email notification frequency


Preferred settings concerning email notification frequency. For a list of email notification frequencies available, fetch the app/data, where there is a section about email notification frequencies

Push notification frequency


Preferred settings concerning push notification frequency, that is, frequency for notification on mobile devices. For a list of push notification frequencies available, fetch the app/data, where there is a section about push notification frequencies

Desktop notification frequency


Preferred settings concerning desktop notification frequency, that is, frequency for notifications on webapp and computer installed app. For a list of desktop notification frequencies available, fetch the app/data, where there is a section about desktop notification frequencies



Weight of an alert, that is, how important it is in the alerts pool. In the webapp, we use this parameter to order alerts: the higher the weight, the higher in sidebar the alert will be.